
New Install Issues...Help?

  • KerrCanDunk

    KerrCanDunk - 2004-05-12

    We built a PC with a clean XP Pro install, and then added a "bundled" version of PHP 4.3.6 and Apache Server 2.0.4.  This bundled version is called Xampp.

    We show Apache, PHP & mySQL as ACTIVATED and running.

    Regarding ORS, we cannot get it to install.  We are not trying to FTP it to another machine.  We are trying to install it localy on this "generic" server machine that we have built.  The idea is that we will have ORS run on this machine, and then link to it externally through our website. 

    What is the easiest way to get ORS running locally on the (C:) drive of a machine that is sitting right in front of me? 

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2004-05-12

      If you ignore the "FTP" part and just perform the actions locally (create scheduling, create install folder, run "install.php" in the install folder) it SHOULD work. I just verified this works on my local installation using PHP 4.3.6 and apache 1.3.0 (I don't expect the apache version to be an issue here!)

      The primary reason for the installation script is to get around some file ownership problems with certain PHP/Server settings. For a local installation (or any installation where you have full control over file ownership), you can simply do this:

      (1) copy all the ORS files into a folder (e.g. "scheduling")
      (2) create a folder named "data" and one named "backup" in that folder
      (3) point your browser to scheduling/utilties.php and log in as administrator (default password: letmein)
      (4) go to program configuration (default password: superpass) and review the settings

      let me know if that works


    • KerrCanDunk

      KerrCanDunk - 2004-05-12

      When we point the browser to any .php file nothing happens.  Windows is giving .php files an icon so it looks like it is installed; however, no .php files will run when we open them in our browser (IE).

      We have all of the ORS files in the "scheduling" folder which is located on (C:).  Inside of that are the two folders "data" & "backup".  All looks good, but for some reason that install.php file does not execute.

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2004-05-12

        Hmmmm. Does the server show the contents of the PHP file or just give an empty page? I'm assuming it shows the contents, in which case, it sounds like PHP ins't registered as a service with the web server. For Apache, I've added the following lines to the httpd.conf file:

           ScriptAlias /php/ "C:/Program Files/PHP/"
           AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
           Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"

        and that does the registration (of course, you will have to change the paths to your php.exe) Take a look at the PHP installation instructions.


      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2004-05-12

        You might want to direct the question to a PHP forum (e.g. see Sorry, I'm not an expert on installation of PHP!


    • KerrCanDunk

      KerrCanDunk - 2004-05-13

      I completed Install Step 1 and my screen says that Step has completed; however, I did get this message:

      Attempt to create backup .htaccess file FAILED

      I looked in the FAQ but didnt't see anything regarding this issue.  Suggestions?



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