
How do I

  • Niels

    Niels - 2004-02-12

    Im using ORS to enable a teacher staff to make reservations to our virtual classroom - But the students should be able to view the details and not just hours that are filled -
    How do I keep the students from changing their password (They all use the same login and have been put in restricted mode)?

    Also Is there any way to increase the size of the comments to an event?

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2004-02-13

      My response below assumes you are using the new 3.5 Beta -

      There is no built-in configuration option to keep particular users from changing the password. You could, however, easily lock-out this part of the program to all but administrators or calendar-authorized users by adding a simple test to "usermanagement.php". Modify line 572 from:

      if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'] == "editmember"){

      to be:

      if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'] == "editmember" && $calendarauth){

      This will keep anybody but "calendar authorized users" from changing a password.

      Regarding comment size - the new beta includes a configuration option which makes the comment window multi-line (see [long_comment] under "General Appearance Settings")



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