

  • Christopher Gray

    Hi, there..

    I posted this in the support area, but I figured I would post it here, too.

    First, let me say this is an awesome product. Great

    I'm having a slight problem with resource edits when the
    allow_signup_offset variable is set. If you reserve a
    resource, then set the offset to some point in time after
    the resource was reserved, the administrator is unable
    to edit the previously scheduled resource.

    Does that make any sense?

    Is there a way to allow the administrator to edit
    reservations regardless of the offset setting?

    Thanks in advance,


    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2003-11-19

      (reposting from support response)

      Just checked this - unfortunately, if a signup is considered "in the past", not even administrators can edit the signup. "In the past" is determined from the end-time of the signup; if the signup ends earlier than the current time + allow_signup_offset, then the signup is considered "in the past". Unfortunately, the rules should be set up so that an administrator can edit the signup as long as the end time is earlier than just the current time (One of the changes planned for the next release is to allow administrators to edit even PAST signups).

      I guess it is even debatable if regular users should be allowed to EDIT a signup which is still active (not ended) but <allow_signup_offset. This would be an easy fix! If you want to, you can do this by editing dayview.php:

      Search dayview.php for the string "allow_signup_offset". You will find two of them. The first one (around line 215) is the one you want to modify. It is used when testing if a signup can be edited. Deleted the entire string "+ allow_signup_offset".

      Drop me a note ( and let me know if that works for you.



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