
Account activity - not updating

  • TinaMcGu

    TinaMcGu - 2005-04-01

    Just started using this app (brilliant!) but one small problem - users becoming inactive :(  and there doesn't seem to be a way to make them active again(? Not making them active after they make a booking)

    Account Inactivity settings are:

    [ inactive_account ] 90*60*60*24
    [ warn_account_expire ] 30*60*60*24

    I've set up a test user to try and work out what's happening and it appears that the most recent activity date is staying the same as the date that the user was created, and is not updating after user activity.

    :|  help

    ps version is the one before 3.6.1b (which I'm setting up but wanted feedback from users on this version first)

    pps I'd be interested in doing some work on the presentation side of things. I've got into css in the last couple of years and feel quite strongly about the separation of presentation from content, allowing users to easily change the entire look by making changes to 1 file. Anyway, let me know if this would be useful.

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2005-04-01

      This was identified as a bug in an earlier version of ORS when the EuroDate configuration setting is on (and maybe other times?). It should be fixed in the 3.6.1b version so the problem should go away when you transition.

      RE CSS: Yes! I completely agree about the simplicity. (Your argument of changing 1 file is a strong one!) This was brought up by another developer some time back but we've been somewhat less active on the project over the past 6 months or so.  I guess the question is: how do we split up the different pages and content pieces as far as style. Seems like some pages shoud use the same styles (e.g. User/Resource management pages, List Resources)  while others should be separate (calendar page)? How would you split up the different styles? Do you think it is an issue that not all text is rigourously put in with <p> tags or similar?

    • TinaMcGu

      TinaMcGu - 2005-04-04

      Excellent - think I have all the feedback needed now from trialing this version, so shall get moving on 3.6.1b

      RE CSS: Different ways of doing this (as with so many things): if you want to make it only one external stylesheet then you could apply divs to each of the pages (within the body tags).

      (Another option would be to have one main stylesheet (for the basics), and then each page could have it's own individual stylesheet in addition. (so each page has 2 stylesheets). My preference would be to stick with 1 external css file - much easier to maintain.)

      This would take care of the majority of the styling needs but some additional classes would most likely need to be added to certain tags (especially for cross-platfom). Eg the existing code:

      <td bgcolor=#dddddd width=60><font size="-1">18:00</font></td>

      would likely be changed to something like:

      <td class="time" width="60">18:00</td>

      the css for this class would define the background color and the font size (would be good to also get width out of the page and into the css, but I'm not sure how widely supported across browsers this is)

      Likewise, instead of background="green.gif" for the booked table cell, this would also come out of the html and into the css (eg td class="booked" and the css for this class would define green.gif as the background)

      "Do you think it is an issue that not all text is rigourously put in with <p> tags or similar?"

      I've only had a brief look, but in a word nope! (Style is applied to selectors (ie any html element).)


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