
User cap limit (144)

  • Xoff

    Xoff - 2005-08-08

    The problem that I am having is adding new accounts beyond 144 users.  Adding the 145th user deletes an account leaving 144.  When watching the logs I can see the creation of the 145th user but nothing shows a user being deleted.  It seems there is a cap of 144 users that can be active at a time.  There doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason as to the account that gets deleted.  I have turned debugging on and there doesnt seem to be anything out of the ordinary (other than evidence of the account getting kicked).  I am using 3.6.2 on Debian stable.  Any ideas?

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2005-08-16

      gads - no. I know of people using more users so there isn't anything magic about 144. I assume that you've tried different user information for #145 so that it isn't anything particular about the user information that is causing a problem?

      Are you adding using the normal [add new user] or [bulk user addition] ? have you tried the other way? I've just verified that it doesn't happen normally.

      It is possible that the userlist file has gotten garbled in some way. I've been seeing a rash of these recently and I'm wondering if a new PHP version might be the culprit?!?

    • Xoff

      Xoff - 2005-08-17

      The program will delete a user when adding a new user. The action log never shows the deleting but does log the addition. After some research we looked at the user list. It seems to have changed the USN numbers on all the users. For example, when I add a new user the next USN number that is avialable is 215, however according to the userlist file that USN is already assigned to a user. When the new user is added the previous user with 215 is deleted. I have tested this by deleting a person and then looking at the action log to see what USN number is assigned that user. I then add a new user and the new user is assigned the same USN that the deleted user had. There also seems to be some discrepancies in the user list file.  Some of our first accounts created have a USN # of 200+ where as they should be 1-10?  Im not sure what else to try here.  If you need logs let me know.  I can also arrange a login if need be. I am using PHP 4.1.2


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