
Deleting users

Jerry I.
  • Jerry I.

    Jerry I. - 2005-08-23

    The program will delete a user when adding a new user. The action log never shows the deleting but does log the addition. After some research we looked at the user list. It seems to have changed the USN numbers on all the users. For example, when I add a new user the next USN number that is avialable is 215, however according to the userlist file that USN is already assigned to a user. When the new user is added the previous user with 215 is deleted. I have tested this by deleting a person and then looking at the action log to see what USN number is assigned that user. I then add a new user and the new user is assigned the same USN that the deleted user had. There also seems to be some discrepancies in the user list file. Some of our first accounts created have a USN # of 200+ where as they should be 1-10? Im not sure what else to try here. If you need logs let me know. I can also arrange a login if need be. I am using PHP 4.1.2

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2005-08-23

      You don't get any other unusual messages on the screen do you? It sounds like the lastusn file isn't giving the right number... I've got two possible solutions here. First is a straightforward one.

      (1) Can you check your data folder (you may have to unlock it through the utilities/more... menu, depending on your server setup) for a file named "lastusn.csv". If it is there, check the contents. This should be a number indicating the last user number used. Can you try deleteing this file and adding a user?

      (2) If you don't have this file, try creating one. Into it, put a single line with a large number (Oh, 1000?) If this doesn't do it, I may need to send you a modified functions.php file. Can you send me a copy of that file from your system? (send it to )

      If that doesn't solve the problem, are you willing to send me a backup file from the system?

    • Jerry I.

      Jerry I. - 2005-08-24

      We did action number 1 and it worked. It is now creating users with large USN number and not deleting current users. Thank you.


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