
Scheduling for School

  • pauleyd

    pauleyd - 2003-10-06

    Great scripts.  I would like to make it simpler by exchanging hour scheduling for periods for school settings.  We need periods 1-7 only, but it would be cool to select how many periods in a day, or have that as an option, either time of day or periods.  Schools could really use it!!!!


    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2003-10-06

      Cheap way to do this is to just change the [ day_start ] and [ day_end ] to be 1 through 8. That way, the calendar will show 1:00, 2:00,... 7:00 for the times. If you interpret these as periods, your golden! (I'd also set [ signup_interval ] to 1 so that you could only sign up for full period intervals)

      If you want to get fancier, you could edit functions.php and look near the top of the program for an if statement which says:

      if (twentyfourhour_clock)
              define("timeformat","h:i a");

      comment out these lines (add // to the beginning of each) and add the line:


      this will revise all printed times to be ONLY the hour, er I mean PERIOD!


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-07

    Where is the file that holds the day_strat and day_end values?  We have the same issue: we would like to schedule our school by period, we have 9 periods per day and want to schedule by entire period or successive periods.  I can see these variables in the php scripts but am not confident I am working in the correct files.

    Bruce Elniski
    Holy Spirit School District, Lethbridge, Alberta Canada


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