
Using ORS to schedule people

  • arenaTR

    arenaTR - 2005-03-01

    I'm trying to use ORS to schedule people.  It's fine that users are logged in as themselves, but then I created resources to represent people, kind of like what MSOutlook does.   If it's not possible to scheddule users like a resource , that's find, creating resources for them works too.  But what I really need to do is have the comments show up in the calendar view.  That way, the scheduled time basically has a "title", and it would work for my means.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance!

    • Cody DeHaan

      Cody DeHaan - 2005-07-14

      I am interested in this as well. I think we're talking about the same thing. I want to be able to type in anything for the name of the signup (instead of logging in and having that user's name as the title, to be able to type in anything I want as the title, or as a comment that's shown in the calendar view.)

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2005-07-14

        Easy - I am currently using ORS to do exactly this. Change the configuration settings (see the "Signup Labeling Options" section) as such:

        [ show_name ]   False
        [ show_comment ] True
        [ public_show_name ] False
        [ public_show_comment] True

        You may also want to set each resource (i.e. person) to be "double-bookable" so that the same user can create signups for multiple resources at the same time (i.e. you don't want ORS to worry about the fact that a given user is signing up for multiple people's schedules at the same time). Do this on the resource management page.

        Finally, you will probably also want to set the configuration option [ edit_other_users ] to true so that any logged in user can modify the signups created by other users. Basically, you are disabling the auditing logic that keeps track of who "owns" a signup.


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