
Double booking

  • peter van klink

    peter van klink - 2004-08-02

    Is it normal that i can book two reservations on the same resource in the same time-slot.

    If so, could you make a config-parameter of this, so that we can exclude double bookings on a resource in one timeslot....

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2004-08-02

      Check the configuration options:

      [ allow_doublebook ]     Are double-bookings allowed (same time-block on different resources or alternate to self)?    

      [ hard_enforce_doublebook ]    Should double-bookings be hard-enforced? (True = double-bookings are rejected; False = double-bookings only give warning)    

      [ errormsg_doublebooked ]        Error Message when user doublebooks two resources for same time slot    

      • peter van klink

        peter van klink - 2004-08-03

        these options do not enforce that:

        a user can book more than one bookings one one resource in the same time slot.

        It is for a beautysalon where a stafmember can help more customers (read more resource=rooms) at the same time(slot). But in one room, there can only be one customer and one stafmember at the same time(slot).

        • Jeremy Shaver

          Jeremy Shaver - 2004-08-03

          I may still be misunderstanding what you're trying to do but let me try again (partially because I left one thing out last time):

          if you set [ allow_doublebook ]    to FALSE
          and set [ hard_enforce_doublebook ] to TRUE
          and set [ hard_enforce_rules ] to TRUE (I forgot this one last time)

          then, if a user tries to sign up as an alternate to themselves (i.e. same time block, same room), the signup is rejected.

          • peter van klink

            peter van klink - 2004-08-04

            still does not work, i do have the settings that you send.

            see for your self
            username corne/corne

            • Jeremy Shaver

              Jeremy Shaver - 2004-08-10

              Two thoughts:

              (1) I notice your users are all "calendar authorized". This allows them to break rules such as various signup rules (it is assumed that they have the authority to override your rule settings). Changing them to regular users (such as the one I created: test/test) will keep them from signing up multiple times in a single time block.

              (2) If you only want ONE person to be able to sign up for a given time slot (i.e. you do NOT want to have the ability for people to sign up as alternates) then you should set the configuration option:  [ num_signups ]  to be 1 (one). This will allow only one person to sign up in any given room and time block.


          • peter van klink

            peter van klink - 2004-08-05

            Ok, i want to use the tool for a beautysalon.
            The staff of the salon treat people in 4 rooms. A staffmember can threat more than one customer at a time(slot) in different rooms. So there can be one customer at a room at a time slot and a stafmember could help more than one customer at one timeslot. In my current version i can book more than one reservations on the same resource within one timeslot.  In the above alternates within a resource/timeslot are not allowed, i can't accomplished this within the tool!

  • om joshi

    om joshi - 2011-09-15


    I have the same above settings on my resource scheduler but sounds like not working. Is it do something with Calender control given to user? please let me have your reply. thanks om

  • om joshi

    om joshi - 2011-09-15

    Sorry, before posting my comment, did not allow me to go through whole post. But i thought so… Calender Authortiy is the one. Thanks om


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