
Installation, what have I missed?

  • Heartland Hosting

    After proceeding through the installation, everything completed and passed, I get to the login screen.  When I click on the "Continue installation" link after Step 2 I goto:

    I cannot login using the Administrator UN and PW, what have I missed?

    • Cody DeHaan

      Cody DeHaan - 2006-08-14

      I had this issue too. The problem (for me) was that I was using PHP5, and as far as I know, ORS only supports PHP4. Downgrade, and you should be good to go.


      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2006-08-14

        hey - you might want to check out the beta of the new version. It addresses some issues related to PHP5. Might solve this one too... don't know.

    • Dale Ricke

      Dale Ricke - 2007-12-12

      I am having this same issue on a server running PHP 5.1.6 and ORS version 3.7beta. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

  • Paul Reasenberg

    Paul Reasenberg - 2010-07-14

    I'm having the same problem. Using ORS 3.6 and 3.7.beta with PHP 5.1.6.  No Utility Menu screen upon completing installation step 2, and can't log in with "letmein" and "superpass".  Anyone have a suggestion?



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