
Your session has expired...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-09-11

    Installation seemed to go OK until I received the following warning after I clicked on "continue installation"

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/data/scheduling/functions.php on line 212

    Administrator gets logged on, but when I try to update configuration (or do any aother taks as administrator) it fails, saying that:

    Your session has expired...

    Cannot seem to get a session to last long enough to do anything and get repeated warning messages (same as shown above).

    Running freeBSD with Apache server.

    Any ideas?

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2003-09-11

      My first guess is that all these problems are related to some folder/file permissions problem. Couple of questions:
      (1) did you make any changes to the defaults.php file?
      (2) did you create ONLY the install and help folders in the base scheduling folder?
      (3) did a data folder get created in the base scheduling folder after you ran install?
      (4) if so to #3, are you able to look in that folder (better yet, who is the owner of that folder?)


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-09-11

      Thanks for the reply. 

      In answer to your questions,

      (1) no changes to defaults.php

      (2) only /install and /help folders were placed in base scheduling folder

      (3) /data folder was created

      (4) owner of data folder is 'nobody'; group for data folder is 'www'.  Permissions on data folder are rwx for owner only.

      I tried giving the /data folder group rwx permission and world x permission, but still have the same problem.

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2003-09-11

        >owner of data folder is 'nobody'; group for data folder
        >is 'www'. Permissions on data folder are rwx for owner
        >I tried giving the /data folder group rwx permission and
        >world x permission, but still have the same problem.

        Hmmm. 'nobody' is strange. Might be that the PHP script is being run under some strange permissions. See if setting world w permission on the data folder solves the problem. If so, the issue is that PHP is creating the folder as a different user than it is being run as. This means that once it creates the folder, it can't write to it itself. You might need to check if you can run PHP scripts using the CGI implementation of PHP. I am able to add this line to my .htaccess file (in the base scheduling folder) on my server:

        AddType php-cgi .php

        but I think the php-cgi type might be special to their setup of Apache.


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-09-11

      The 'nobody' came from the User and Group settings in my httpd.conf file.  I changed them to www instead, but still have the same problem.

      It's not clear to me whether the Warning:

      Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/data/scheduling/functions.php on line 212

      is correlated with the "Session Expired" problem.

      I gave full permissions to the directories and files   at and below /scheduling, but that had no effect.

      Trying to use .htaccess files always gave new errors.

      Not sure what is going on

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2003-09-12

        I'm sorry you're having so many problems! This is rarely such a problem!?!

        >The 'nobody' came from the User and Group settings
        >in my httpd.conf file. I changed them to www
        >instead, but still have the same problem.

        Ah. I thought they looked like a strange value. It was something you set... More questions:

        1) Are there ANY files in the /data folder?!? If so what and can you look into them to see what is in them? I'm wondering if it is able to write anything to "userlist.csv", "uselog.csv" or "uid.csv" files (all should be in the data folder)?
        2) Are you running PHP in "SafeMode"? (do you get any warnings which say anything about SafeMode?)

        BTW, I'm pretty sure the two problems are linked (the warning and the expiring session). The warning is coming because it can not write the file (this error is in the line where it is trying to read in a modified file).

        The immediate logout (expiring session) is coming because it isn't able to write to the file which keeps track of the session id. It keeps a "last used" time along with that session id and when the time is older than [some configuration value], it deletes the ID from the file. Your version isn't even getting to the point of writing anything into the file to begin with so it always looks like the sessions are expired.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-09-12

      In the /scheduling/data/ folder there are 5 files:


      content of .htaccess is:

      <Limit GET>
      Order Deny,Allow
      Deny from All

      content of actionlog.csv is several lines of text like the following:

      date, 09/11/03 17:22, usn, 1, lastname, administrator, firstname, , resourceblock, b, sec, 1, action, Assigned USN, thisuserid,

      content of uid.csv is:

      uid, usn, issuedate, lastused, prefs,
      4b937aa3e281f, 1, 1063326155, 1063326155,

      content of uselog.csv is:

      uid, usn, logondate, ip,
      4b937aa3e281f, 1, 1063326155,

      content of userlist.csv is:

      usn, lastname, firstname, resourceblock, sec,
      1, administrator, , b, 1

      The files are created and have some information in them.

      No warnings about SafeMode appear.



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