
Deleted userlist

  • Jessie Weatherly


    Yesterday I had an issue where the userlist.csv was emptied.  This happend during a short time period as I had gone to the website to view the schedule, but did not log in.  About 30 minutes later, someone tried to log in and could not.  I went to look and it showed bookings with no names and would not allow any logins or email out any links to log in and reset the password.  I FTP'd in and saw that the userlist.csv was showing 0 bytes and was empty.  I managed to upload a copy from an old backup then do a restore from the previous nights backup to restore everything. 

    Nothing was in the action or use log to show anything happening.  I am the only admin user as well.  The action log shows the nightly backup and calander purge at about 1 am, then nothing until my attempts to send an email to an unknown user. 

    Any ideas what could have happened.  I'm curious to what could have killed it off.


  • Jeremy Shaver

    Jeremy Shaver - 2011-03-22

    You didn't happen to look at the usage log did you? Was there anyone logged in (even if they hadn't done anything that would have been recorded in the action log?) My guess is that the server hiccuped when it was writing out the userlist.csv file. Possibly someone had just logged in and it was updating the "last seen" date for the user, but when the file was written, the system didn't get the file contents written?


  • Jessie Weatherly

    Sounds likely.  I didn't know it wrote to it when someone logged on and couldn't figure out what could have caused a write.  Looks like someone logged in at about 8:30, I don't know for sure if that is before or after I browsed to it to check it, but who knows. 

    Thank you.


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