
Edit Announcements

  • KerrCanDunk

    KerrCanDunk - 2005-01-12

    I use this field to post lab hours for various semesters, holidays, etc. 

    For some reason the input window has a small scroll bar and shows itself as having what amounts to be a ton of "code" or characters or something, when in actuality the announcement is done in simple HTML and shouldn't require a scroll bar at all.  When I click in the field to edit the announcements, I get an hourglass and the entire program hangs with Internet Explorer giving a (Not Responding) message.

    Please help.

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2005-01-16

      Does the announcement show up correctly when someone logs in? Also, if I understand correctly, you can get to the page which allows you to edit but IE hangs when you actually click the box? Can you try opening in a different browser (Mozilla Firefox is awesome - try it)?

    • KerrCanDunk

      KerrCanDunk - 2005-01-18

      Yes the announcement posts correctly; however now I want to remove it and when I click in the box IE hangs.

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2005-02-15

        Don't know if you've solved this yet but you should try viewing from a different browser. Also if you view the contents of a recent backup file (Utilities/Restore/Review Contents) and post the announcements.html file here (or send to me at jshaver at I'll see if anything looks odd that might cause this problem (e.g. forms?!?)

    • KerrCanDunk

      KerrCanDunk - 2005-03-01

      Problem solved.  I opened the announcements.html file on the host machine, and then cleared it in notepead.  That fixed the problem.  Thanks.


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