
Configuration Question

  • Mike Phillips

    Mike Phillips - 2003-08-07

    Is there any way to set the time blocks to half hour (30 minute) intervals? I'd like to be able to allow my users to schedule resources on the half hour and for 30 minute intervals.


    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2003-08-07

      Yep - set the configuration [ signup_interval ] to whatever you want. By default it is already 0.5 so it does half hours.

      What the CALENDAR shows is slightly different. In day view, it shows time blocks at [ signup_interval ]. In week view, it shows time slots at 2 * [ signup_interval ] (e.g. 1 hours blocks) but smaller intervals can be signed up for by entering the time manually (I often click on the hour I want, then enter the :30). BTW, week view does show 1/2 hour signups differently (it slides them 1/2 way down for a 1/2 hour signup start and it addes "+0:30" at the end to show the signup overlaps the next block by 1/2.



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