
Scheduling Shifts

  • iotech

    iotech - 2007-07-24


    I have been using 3.7 Beta since release to schedule shifts at my fire department. The resources are the positions n the shift, such as Company Officer, Driver, Hoseman, etc. All employees have accounts, and I have used permissions so that only people qualified for a particular position can sign up for that position. Some of our employees are full time, and run 48 hour shifts, while others are volunteer and run 12 hour shifts. Our shift changes are at 0700 and 1900  daily. In the configuration, the day starts at 0700 and goes to 2300. Employees scheduling a night shift choose 1900 as start time and 2300 as end time (even though they are on duty until 0700 the following day).

    We use the week view almost exclusively, with a 1 hour row interval. What I'd like to do is have only 2 rows per resource per day i.e. a 0700 row and a 1900 row. I tried setting week row interval to 12 (didnt work) and setting day end at 0700 (no way to get it to realize it is the next day?) with no luck. Any ideas?


    Capt G

    • iotech

      iotech - 2007-07-24

      Note: If I set day_start to 0 and day_end to 24, and weekview_interval and signup_interval to 12, it does everything I want it to, except the two rows are 00:00 and 12:00 (whereas I need 07:00 and 19:00). Thanks again!

  • om joshi

    om joshi - 2011-09-15


    i am looking for similar sort of thing. well, i need two separate time slots for the same resource.

    Like 1st Time Slot is Normal Office Hours 09:00am to 18:00pm and 2nd Time slot is Out of Office Hours 18:00pm to 22:00pm.

    how to generate these two time slots for Two resources. please any body can help. thanks om


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