
Unable to sign-up for more than 1 resource

  • Goh Bee Hock

    Goh Bee Hock - 2005-03-02


    I have just installed ORS(v3.6.1b) on Redhat 9(PHP v4.2.2).
    Everything work well when I create the first user and resource. When I create 2 or 3 resources, ORS gave a javascript popup and say "Choose only one resource" even though I have click on a specific resource.

    Can you someone advise?

    Bee Hock

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2005-03-02

      Some quick questions first:
      Please confirm: this is a new installation (NOT one you're upgrading from a previous version)?

      I get that message ONLY when "All" is selected in the Resources pull-down. What is selected in your "resources" list?

      When only one resource is selected and you should see only one resource in either Week or Month view (for an example see ). In Day view, one resource should be in bold face. In all cases, only one item should be selected in resources.

      If you're still having the problem, write again with more details about exactly the steps you used when you saw this problem.

    • Goh Bee Hock

      Goh Bee Hock - 2005-03-02

      Yes, its a clean installation and not an upgrade.

      Currently, I have one resource called "Himalayas". All booking are okay. Then I create another resource call "Audio Conference". When I keyed in an appointment(in month view) to book either Audio conference or Himalayas, I get the error. If I delete the audio conference resource and try to book Himalayas, all is fine.

      I notice that when I select week view when i have more than 1 resource, two instance of the same resource is display on the screen.

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2005-03-02

        It sounds like the resources file has something wrong with it (is it possible that you started entering a resource and then canceled? There is some unresolved issue with that under particular conditions.) Try deleting all resources (if you haven't already) and starting over.

        You can help me diagnose the problem if you do this:

        (1) Select "Make Backup File" from the "more..." menu. Then select "Write to site backup folder and Download file" (you can cancel the download - it will have already done the writing of the backup file)

        (2)  Go to "Restore from Backup" in the "more..." menu, and click "Review Contents" of the backup file you just made.

        (3) Search through the contents for the line:
           File: 'resources.csv'
        Copy and paste the contents of that file here.


    • Goh Bee Hock

      Goh Bee Hock - 2005-03-02

      I have tried to delete the all the files and re-installed but get the same problem.

      Here's the content of the resources.csv

      File: 'resources.csv'

      resource, warnings, popupwarning, maxsignup, comments, initials, doublebook, long, hidepublic, defaultaccess, short, order,
      1, , , , , , , Himalayas, 1, , , 1
      2, , , , , , , Audio Conference, 1, , , 2

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2005-03-02

        Well, that file looks fine (other than the fact that you'll want to assign "short" and "Initials" descriptions to these resources or else you won't be able to tell them apart in other places)

        Just to make sure we're both doing the same thing, try this procedure:
        (1) View the calendar in Week view
        (2) Click on the "Himalayas" resource in the Resouce List (you should now see ONLY the Himalayas resource in the calendar)
        (3) Enter a start date and time, and an end date and time
        (4) Click on Submit

        It should NOT give you the one-resource warning. If it does, please send your entire ORS Backup file (the one you grabbed the resources.csv info from) to me at jshaver at

    • Goh Bee Hock

      Goh Bee Hock - 2005-03-03

      I did the procedure and get the following:

      1. Screen list Himalayas and Audio Conference
      2. Screen list two instances of Himalayas
      3. Click on the start and end date/time on the calender
      4. Error popup ""Choose only one resource"

      I have send a copy of the full ORS backup to our mail account. I have copy of the screen shot of the two instances of the resource. How can I send it to you?

    • Goh Bee Hock

      Goh Bee Hock - 2005-03-04

      Hi Jeremy,

      The problem went away after I upgrade to apache-2.0.53 and php-4.3.10.

      Thanks for your help and advices.

      Bee Hock.

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2005-03-08

        Great - I realized after I wrote that I was running PHP 4.3.3 and had run on 4.1.x so I was somewhat amazed that 4.2.2 was a problem! I actually downloaded 4.2.2 but hadn't gotten around to trying it. Thanks for verifying that at least one of those two changes made it work (now if I just knew what caused the problem to begin with... argh)

    • Goh Bee Hock

      Goh Bee Hock - 2005-03-09

      I am just glad that it got sorted out. :)


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