
Problems with 3.5 beta and recurring signups

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-03-11

    I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in support.

    I just installed the beta so I could use the recurring signup feature.  I can add recurring signups just fine (except it doesn't seem to like it when I put 24 hours as the length).  However, I can't seem to delete any of the recurring signups.  And when I try, odd things happen, like the recurring times will change or disappear on the calendar.  Any ideas?


    • Jeffrey Tacy

      Jeffrey Tacy - 2004-03-11

      The inability to create a 24-hour recurring signup still exists in our development version and I'll look into that. It is a known issue that if anyone has signed up on the same day that there is a recurring signup, the recurring signups for that day cannot be deleted. If that is not what is happening, can you provide the steps to reproduce the problem?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-03-11

      What happens is I create a recurring schedule with user = "none" and it seems to work fine.  I then try to delete the recurring signup by going to Recurring Signups:->Actions-> Delete, click OK to the dialog box. Then usually the data for that entry changes to "Daily  12:00 am  12:00 am" and it no longer appears in the calendar.  I can keep hitting delete after this with no effect.

      I also tried setting up a recurring time (weekly) with a test account.  It seemed to work fine, then I made another recurring time (weekly) on the next day, and it not only never showed up on the calendar, it wiped out the first one as well. 

      So the problem seems to be random strangness with the recurring times, and I now have a Recurring Signups Maintenance page that has about 10 entries for Daily 12am-12am <none> with the number of slots empty.

      Let me know if there is any other info that would be helpful.


    • Jeffrey Tacy

      Jeffrey Tacy - 2004-03-11

      I have a similar issue on one installation where the length shows up as a time (followed by am). That is with Apache 1.3.28/PHP 4.3.3. I can't reproduce the problem on my development system with PHP 4.3.4 and Apache 1.3.29 or 2.0.48. I'll look into it. Maybe the project manager has some ideas?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-03-11

      >the length shows up as a time (followed by am)

      Yep, now that you mention it I'm seeing that as well. 

      And one more odd thing, the column widths seem to be farked.


      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2004-03-11

        Two comments:
        (1) when you say the column widths are farked, I assume you mean that the columns, as they appear in the schedule, are not the same widths? This is they way the software is deisgned. It only uses the NECESSARY witdth of the screen for each column. No point in wasting space!

        (2) It sounds like your system is having some problem writing to the recurring signup files. Could you do this, unlock the data folder, go into each of your resource folders and grab the "default.csv" files out of them. Send those to me at jshaver at I suspect something is wrong with those files, but I'm not sure what. You could also try deleting the default.csv files (which will clear any recurring signups on days without other signups) and see if you can reproduce the problem from a "clean slate"

        Thanks! (Jeff, same to you - could you send me the default.csv files you have that are showing the same problem?)



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