
adding users

  • tony kirchner

    tony kirchner - 2003-08-07

    Is there any easy to add a fairly large amount of users without having to enter them one at a time?  We are going to use this application to schedule resource checkouts for our faculty and would like to populate the user side without having to enter every one by hand.

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2003-08-07

      One of our "back burner" projects is a nice interface to do bulk-addition of users. BUT until that is done, there is a way, just not super-spiffy:

      (1) start by adding 1 or 2 users. WARNING: Do not include any commas in any of these user's info (I'll explain why in a moment)

      (2) in the Program Configuration settings, turn [ offline_memberlist_control ] to TRUE

      (3) in the maintenance/more menu, click "unlock data folder"

      (4) using FTP, grab the memberlist.csv file from the /scheduling/data folder

      (5) This file can be opened in (forgive me, open-source folks) MS Excel easily. [Remember my warning about commas? If you included any commas in the file, the field gets quoted. Unfortunatly, Excel gets confused by the type of quoting that is used. Thus the no-commas rule.]

      (6) Add rows for each user you want to add. Add whatever you want in the various columns (but again NO COMMAS). In the PIN column, you can add an initial password (plain text) but you should advise the users to change their password soon after logging in. That will encrypt the password so it is no longer plain-text.

      (7) In Excel, save the modified file as a CSV file (might have to select save as... and select *.CSV from the file type pull-down menu)

      (8) Upload (FTP) the modified file back into the data folder.

      (9) With [ offline_memberlist_control ] still set to TRUE, log out of the scheduler and log back in again (again, as an administrator). This should read in the new memberlist file and should create user numbers for each of the people you added.

      (10) Clean up:  (a) set [ offline_memberlist_control ] back to FALSE and (b) re-lock the Data folder

      (11) Did I mention to RELOCK THE DATA FOLDER?

      Drop me a note if you have any problems.



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