

  • Ray Webster

    Ray Webster - 2003-10-06

    I have just installed ors and I cannot seem to change the password without locking myself out. Also if I create a new user, any password I use will not allow that account to log in. I am using this on a Windows NT 4.0 server w/iis and php.

    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2003-10-06

      I haven't seen this before. Here's a couple of questions and things to try:

      (1) Which version of PHP are you running?
      (2) Edit the data/config_enc.php file, try manually entering a text password into the first define command:


      and see if you then can use the password "test" to log in as admin.
      (3) Create a small program test.php in your base scheduling folder with the following
          echo "pw " . our_crypt('testthis');

      you should get the output:
      pw ]Qc2I5LxJAYXU

      (4) finally, try entering whatever you get between the :'s above into the config_enc file:


      and see if you can use the password "testthis" to log in as admin.

      Let me know what happens (you can write me directly at



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