
help wanted!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-04-15

    Notice: Undefined index: submit in e:\intranet\oxford\projects\roadtest\ors20030325a\index.php on line 1117

    Notice: Undefined index: in e:\intranet\oxford\projects\roadtest\ors20030325a\dayview.php on line 79

    whats wrong?
    help me please!


    • Jeremy Shaver

      Jeremy Shaver - 2003-04-16

      Is this your own installation of PHP (please say yes, that will make the next part easier!)

      In the configuration settings for PHP (php.ini), there is an option which defines "error_reporting". It should be set not to report notices. For example, this will work:

      error_reporting  = E_ALL & ~(E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_COMPILE_WARNING | E_CORE_WARNING | E_USER_WARNING) ; display all errors

      Changing your error_reporting settings in the php.ini file should solve the problem.

      Heres why: ORS expects to be able to index into arrays whether or not the particular key is defined or not (it makes coding much simpler for abstract form sumissions). We may change that in a future version.

    • Mark F Garrison

      Mark F Garrison - 2003-05-20

      If you can't access the php.ini file you can patch the ors files with the following line:

      error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_NOTICE));

      This turns off reporting of notices.

      • Jeremy Shaver

        Jeremy Shaver - 2003-05-20

        Adding to what Mark posted:

        The error_reporting line can be added at the top of the ORS functions.php file. This file is "required()" by all ORS calls and the top few lines will always be executed.


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