
ORMGen / News: Recent posts

Development on Hold

Development on ORMGen is going to be moving quite slowly in the near future, if it moves at all. I’m having some hardware issues with my computer at home — it likes to crash if it does anything more complex than load the desktop, apparently — and it isn’t worth taking the chance on it crashing in the middle of a change set. (Yes, I do save quite frequently, but it’s still possible for it to crash in the middle of something, then I need to wait another ten minutes to get it loaded back up.)... read more

Posted by MCory1 2007-09-21

ORMGen v0.5a: C# Code Generation Support

This is a *major* milestone for the ORMGen project. Now ORMGen scripts can generate both MySql database structure *and* C# classes that work from that structure.

It's still very alpha-ish, and probably isn't robust enough to be terribly useful with major projects. That said, it should still be functional enough to provide good support for a number of database/C# development projects as-is.

Posted by MCory1 2007-09-21

Tentative C# Support in SVN

Instead of keeping my word and working on bug fixes and refactoring, I decided to implement the basics of the C# code generation framework. You can find the results of my efforts in subversion at the moment, as it's still a little ways off from release-quality (even alpha).

For more information, see

Posted by MCory1 2007-09-16

0.4a -- Foreign Key Generation Available

ORMGen v0.4a is now available, providing support for generating foreign key statements with table definitions. This is a big step for the project, as it covers the last major SQL generation aspect planned for 1.0.

Version 0.5 will be a maintenance release within the next week or so -- bug fixes as applicable, refactoring and resturcturing as necessary. After 0.5, development will commence on C# code generation.

Posted by MCory1 2007-09-15

ORMGen v0.1a Released

ORMGen is a scripting language aimed at generating both SQL table definitions and C# classes to represent and work with those tables.

Version 0.1a has been released. This version offers support for parsing of the basic ORMGen scripting language and simple SQL generation (aimed at MySql in particular).

Posted by MCory1 2007-09-13

ORMGen 0.1a Release Ready but Not...

The project is ready for release, but I had some issues trying to do an actual file release via Source Forge this morning. You can check it out of SVN -- a little bit more detail is at the project website (

Posted by MCory1 2007-09-12