
Neumont ORM Architect for Visual Studio 2008-10CTP released!

The Object-Role Modeling (ORM) standard version 2, associated schemas and generation tools, and a reference implementation in the form of Neumont ORM Architect for Visual Studio.

The October 2008 Community Technology Preview of Neumont Object-Role Modeling Architect for Visual Studio is now available through or

Release notes are duplicated here:

Running Setup.bat from the appropriate download file will correctly uninstall any old NORMA version and reinstall the new pieces. Visual Studio instances should be shutdown before running setup, and Vista users should use the provided SetupVista.bat to run set as an Administrator. The drop includes modifications through changeset 1340.

In addition to ongoing fixes for known issues, the following notable items have changed since the 2008-05 CTP drop. The Readme.htm file in the download has a detailed list of changes.
1) Sample population is now supported for subtypes and objectified fact types

2) Verbalization Browser hyperlinks and the new 'ORM Diagram Spy' tool window have been added to assist navigation through an ORM model.

3) The 'ORM Model Browser' tool window now has a Diagrams list.

Posted by Matthew Curland 2013-05-28

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