
Updating Birt & Jasperreports

  • dicheridoo

    dicheridoo - 2012-05-14

    Here is what i needed to change to use new versions of Birt and Jasperreports.

    Birt 1. Remove all birt-2.3.1-*.jar from WEB-INF\lib. 2. Delete directory WEB-INF\platform. 3. Download Birt Runtime from project home and unzip it. 4. You need to exclude the commons-io-classes from birt-3.7.2-org.apache.batik.pdf_1.6.0.v201105071520.jar You could do this by importing file as an archive, deleting the classes and exporting it to jar with the same name. You’ll get an signing error when tomcat starts, but the software will run just fine. 5. Prefix all jar files in your birt-runtime-3_7_2\ReportEngine\lib with birt-3.7.2- . e.g.: birt-3.7.2-Tidy.jar. 6. Download new commons-io-x-x jar and put in WEB-INF\lib. 7. Remove old jar files in eclipse Classpath and add the new ones. 8. Call war compile task from the OpenReports build.xml. 9. Birt needs a directory in which it can save its temporary files. Under Windows you have to just once run the following script:

    SET\openreports-tomcat\temp SET\workspace_dtp mkdir mkdir %org.eclipse.datatools_workspacepath%

    10. Now you can deploy your new build to the tomcat server. iReport You need to replace the following libraries \WebRoot\WEB-INF\lib\jasperreports-3.5.1.jar \WebRoot\WEB-INF\lib\jasperreports-3.5.1-javaflow.jar \WebRoot\WEB-INF\lib\groovy-all-1.5.5.jar \WebRoot\WEB-INF\lib\jxl-2.6.jar by the new ones found in \iReport-x.x.x\ireport\modules\ext You will not find the new javaflow file in your iReport directory but have to get it from a Jasperreports Source in its dist directory. My inserted files: Jxl-2.6.10.jar Jasperreports-4.5.1.jar Groovy-all-1.7.5.jar Jasperreports-javaflow-4.5.1.jar Now eclipse will show you three errors in file Insert the following lines to remove the errors:

    [] import; [] line 396: jasperDesign.setOrientation(net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.OrientationEnum.LANDSCAPE); [] line 533: ((JRDesignSection) jasperDesign.getDetailSection()).addBand(bandDetail)


  • dicheridoo

    dicheridoo - 2012-05-14

    WTF, where to edit my post -.-


    1. Remove all birt-2.3.1-*.jar from WEB-INF\lib.
    2. Delete directory WEB-INF\platform.
    3. Download Birt Runtime from project home and unzip it.
    4. You need to exclude the commons-io-classes from birt-3.7.2-org.apache.batik.pdf_1.6.0.v201105071520.jar You could do this by importing file as an archive, deleting the classes and exporting it to jar with the same name. You’ll get an signing error when tomcat starts, but the software will run just fine.
    5. Prefix all jar files in your birt-runtime-3_7_2\ReportEngine\lib with birt-3.7.2- . e.g.: birt-3.7.2-Tidy.jar.
    6. Download new commons-io-x-x jar and put in WEB-INF\lib.
    7. Remove old jar files in eclipse Classpath and add the new ones.
    8. Call war compile task from the OpenReports build.xml.
    9. Birt needs a directory in which it can save its temporary files. Under Windows you have to just once run the following script:

    SET\openreports-tomcat\temp SET\workspace_dtp mkdir mkdir %org.eclipse.datatools_workspacepath%

    10. Now you can deploy your new build to the tomcat server.


    You need to replace the following libraries
    by the new ones found in
    You will not find the new javaflow file in your iReport directory but have to get it from a Jasperreports Source in its dist directory.
    My inserted files:
    Now eclipse will show you three errors in file
    Insert the following lines to remove the errors:

    [] import; [] line 396: jasperDesign.setOrientation(net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.OrientationEnum.LANDSCAPE); [] line 533: ((JRDesignSection) jasperDesign.getDetailSection()).addBand(bandDetail)

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