
Orbada - Database manager / News: Recent posts

New "small" names of Orbada

Since the new version of Orbada, 'small' names will no longer words in Latin but the names of the cities from which download application.
Next version 1.2.2.x will be named "Bangalore, India"

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2014-07-31


W następnej wersji orbada (1.1.0.x), oprócz nowej wtyczki do PostgreSQL (przeglądanie obiektów), zostanie zmieniony sposób, wyświetlania liczb.
Wszystkie typy liczb teraz będą wyświetlane zgodnie z ustawieniami regionalnymi.
W związku z tym, zmianom podane zostały również wszystkie eksporty danych.

In the next version of Orbada (1.1.0.x), in addition to the new plug-ins for PostgreSQL (view objects), will change the way of displaying numbers.
All types of numbers will now be displayed according to the locale.
Consequently, changes are also given all the data exports.

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2013-08-05


Now I'm working on a plugin for PstgreSQL and by the way on reducing the size of the other plug-ins and to speed up the opening of new connections.
"First look" plugin for PostgreSQL at the next update :)

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2013-07-10

Raspberry Pi

Today, orbada was officially launched on Raspberry Pi ;-)

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2013-01-03


Still some 2-3 months and I go back to work on orbada. Patience :-)

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2012-09-14

Next version

For all who like Orbada and waiting for the new version.
Orbada will be further developed, but first I need to finish the renovation of a new apartment. Unfortunately due to work and visitors, renovation will take longer than I wanted.


Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2011-09-17

#3106851 - gallery added
#3106851 - In the "Help" menu, a new item "Documentation" was added
#3108106 - Searching in the source -> source context
#3104310 - Searching in the source -> move the cursor to a found piece
#3106851 - FAQ secion added
#3108509 - Settings -> separator for decimal number not storing
#3104313 - Determination of errors that occur during script execution
On the result tab (SQL queries) of executing the script, the error is now highlighted in red.
In addition, the buttons have been added allowing to jump between errors.
#3106851 - Documentation update

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-11-16

#3106851 - Documentation creation
A first version of the documentation in Polish and English. For now, concerns run the program, a list of connection schema and some shortcuts.

#3105215 - Firebird Handling Numeric/Decimal

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-11-11

- Plug-in for TinyLAF
- Plug-in for NimROD LAF
- Plug-in for Substance LAF
- In About window, added tab with tanks
- In Copy as app code window, added keep formatting by removing extra spaces
- Sample date, time and decimal in settings window
- #3104131 Create table based on the data list
- #3104296 Error table not visible when you connect to Oracle 10g XE

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-11-07

Wolcome plug-in

Plug-in view of the welcome was created, it helps to start using the ORBADA program.

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-11-04

JGoodies LAF plug-in

Plug-in for JGoodies Look and Feel created.

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-11-01

Easy to configure LAF

Formed a mechanism for easy setup Look And Feel. Main setting is in the
program settings in "Appearance". Others, depending on the plug will be
available in the settings plug-ins.

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-11-01

Configurable Date and Time format

Settings related to the date, time and decimal numbers were added to the
program settings. They can be found in the "data format."

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-11-01

Orbada now also available in English!

Orbada now also available in English!

Posted by Andrzej Kałuża 2010-10-27