apraS - 2007-09-07

Earlier I was using oratcl3.3, Oracle8i. But now I migrate to Oracle10g, oratcl4.4.

When I was using oratcl3.2 and Oracle8i, I am getting the expected result for the following query--

set blk {
        to_date(:discoveryDt,'YYYYMMDD.HH24MISS'), :discoveryTyp,
        :fileNm, :totRecs, :loadTyp, :fileId, :loadId, :recNo);

set cmd "oraplexec $($utlNestDiscovery_connTyp_nest) {$blk} :hostNm $hostNm :discoveryDt $discoveryDt :discoveryTyp $discoveryTyp :fileNm $fileNm :totRecs $totRecs :loadTyp $loadTyp :fileId 0 :loadId 0 :recNo 0"

set catch_rc [catch {set result [eval $cmd]} err]

[Here I am expecting that result will contain hostname descoverydate discoverytype filename totalrecords loadtype fileid loadid recordnumber]

Producing the correct result as ---

puts $result
spp10parg 20070830.095348 OBJS discovery.spp10parg.objs 91646 FULL 469651 1402701 1

But when the same command I am using with Oracle10, oratcl4.4
I am getting the result as   ---

puts $result

Why I am getting the result as 0.
Is this query is not working with oratcl4.4 ? If yes then what should I will use for getting the result as I am getting with Oracle8i, oratcl3.3 ?