
oralogon returns ORA-24315

  • Jens Georg Frøjk

    Anybody got the ORA-24315 error when doing oralogon ?
    And know a resolution?

    I do:
    set lda [oralogon bmssa/bmssa_pwd@AX30TEST]
    Then Oratcl returns
    ORA-24315: illegal attribute type

    I have done a lot of SQLNET trace, strip down the TNS, ... ect., but no luck.

    The enviroment is Oracle 10g on windows and Oratcl46.dll.
    The Oratcl is part of the HammerDB test tool. I do not know if Oratcl46.dll was compiled by them.
    So as long I have this error, I can not use the HammerDB test tool, and benchmark my new Oracle Database Server.


  • Todd Helfter

    Todd Helfter - 2019-03-12

    I have not seen this error before, but have not used 10g in a very long time.
    If this is still a concern, please attach the version of your OS (32b or 64b) and the version of Oracle 10 and I will attempt to recreate a test case.



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