
Hi Ben, this oracols is bizzare.

  • Steve Rompala

    Steve Rompala - 2001-03-29

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the help. But it still doesn't work wt  the downloaded oracols from the web.very bizzare ?

    Also, I'd like to thank you for the help. If I
    get this, I'll be in a position to concentrate
    on what I'd like to learn. Again Thanks.

    Note: it I try to run "wosql" from oratcl-2-7
    the similar message when doing a simple query.

    can't read "oramsg(coltypes)":
    no such element in array  while executing   "lsearch $oramsg(coltypes) long"
    (procedure "doSql" line 86)
    invoked from within    

    and with your latest oracols here's the result:
                                          orainfo.test: Total 3 Passed 3 Skipped 0 Failed 0
                                          orasql.test: Total 32 Passed 32 Skipped 0 Failed 0
    Test number 4 failed!
    Expected: 0 {} {} {}
    Received: 2 {} {} {}

       Test number 7 failed!
    Expected: {V_NUMBER 22 NUMBER 0 0 1} {V_DATE 7 DATE {} {} 1} {V_CHAR 2 CHAR {} {} 1} {V_VARCHAR2  36 VARCHAR2 {} {} 1}
    Received: {V_NUMBER 22 NUMBER 2 0 1} {V_DATE 7 DATE {} {} 1} {V_CHAR 2 CHAR {} {} 1} {V_VARCHAR2 36 VARCHAR2 {} {} 1}

      ==== oracols-1.1 oracols: all options after orasql FAILED
                                          ==== Contents of test case:

    global oracol_sql col_expect
    orasql $ora_cur $oracol_sql
    set col_result(1) [oracols $ora_cur]
    set col_result(2) [oracols $ora_cur size]
    set col_result(3) [oracols $ora_cur type]
    set col_result(4) [oracols $ora_cur precision]
    set col_result(5) [oracols $ora_cur scale]
    set col_result(6) [oracols $ora_cur nullok]
    set col_result(7) [oracols $ora_cur all]

    set res 0
    for {set index 1} {$index <= 7} {incr index} {
      if {([string compare $col_result($index)   
       $col_expect($index)] == 0)} {
       incr res
      } else {
       puts stderr "Test number $index failed!"
       puts stderr "Expected: $col_expect($index)"
       puts stderr "Received: $col_result($index)\n"
    unset col_expect
    set res

    ---- Result was:       5
    ---- Result should have been:    7
    ==== oracols-1.1 FAILED

                                          oracols.test: Total 1 Passed 0 Skipped 0 Failed 1

    • Benjamin Lewis

      Benjamin Lewis - 2001-03-29


      It turns out that the test is wrong, and your
      database/oratcl are right.

      For some reason, our database is reporting that
      the precision for a NUMBER(2) is 0, when it
      should be 2 (as your database reports).
      Therefore, although the test case works on our
      database (expects a result of 0), it is

      In other words, you can ignore the results of
      this test and carry on learning! :)  Todd Helfter
      is looking into the matter more thoroughly as
      I type, but the end result will be a change to
      the test code.

      I wonder whether you are the first person besides
      us to run the tests? I would have expected
      someone else to trip on this before now.

      Sorry for the anxiety!


    • Benjamin Lewis

      Benjamin Lewis - 2001-03-29


      To respond to your note about wosql, the Oratcl3.x
      interface has changed from oratcl2.7 in that
      the oramsg array no longer contains many of the
      elements that were present in 2.7.  Todd has
      been moving stuff out of oramsg as he works
      towards a thread-safe version of Oratcl.

      Scripts that depend on some of the more esoteric
      elements of older versions of oramsg will need to
      be updated to work with Oratcl3.2.  I'm not
      exactly sure what wosql is trying to do with the
      column types, but it would need to be updated to
      use the oracols command to work with Oratcl3.2.


    • Steve Rompala

      Steve Rompala - 2001-03-29

      Thanks Again for the help Ben,

      What I'm trying to do is get oddis to work with oratcl3.1

      Here's the reason for the madness.

      I Use oddis at work and am used to it. But I didn't install it
      (Oh yeah its oratcl 2.5, and I have about 250 tables I work
      with using it).

      Anyway I haven't got the oratcl2.7 oddis to work yet because
      we have no orawishx to work with (any ideas ?), and while
      the newer wosql also fails (as per the previous message), this
      is where I stuck (sqlplus is to ugly an option to work with).

      Anyway if you have a wosql, or oddis that works with
      oratcl-3-1, it would be appreciated.



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