
Oracle Dump Viewer / News: Recent posts

Stable version 1.0.1 available

The stable version 1.0.1 is now available. The main changes were basically in the internals of the program. Also, the layout of the printouts are better and the tablespace summary has more information.

Posted by Ronaldo Faria Lima 2003-07-24

Parser engine reviewed

The whole parser engine was reviewed. Now it is much easier to add more information in the printouts. The application is analysing all the dump, loading information into memory before starting the print outs. This is necessary in order to gather more precise information. Also, the maintenance became much easier.

Posted by Ronaldo Faria Lima 2003-07-23

Start of the new feature

The Object Schama maniputation was started

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Sampaio 2003-07-16

Repository reviewed

I have reviewed and changed the CVS repository in order to let the build of the software package more clean. I have moved the .c files to the src directory and the .h to the include directory. Also, I have put everything under the control of automake/autoconf in order to have a very powerful build of the whole application.

Posted by Ronaldo Faria Lima 2003-07-07

Automake/Autoconf support

I have added two files to the project: and Both files are the basics for the automake/autoconf support. So, the project is now prepared to use the GNU Building system as well.
In a near future, we will delete the current makefile and, also, we will have the directories reorganized.

Posted by Ronaldo Faria Lima 2003-07-06