
OPyCua / Blog: Recent posts

Test setup

A Test Setup

We're currently running some tests communicating between our python snippets and an existing OPC ua client and server. This is a short description of our setup.

+-------------+             +-------------+
| Windows Box |             | Debian Box  |
| with OPC UA |<--network-->| with OPC UA |
|   Server    |             |    Client   |
+-------------+             +-------------+

 Wireshark can be running on either of the two boxes (or on both).... [read more](/p/opycua/blog/2012/06/test-setup/)
Posted by Jan Costermans 2012-06-11 Labels: test uaExpert pcap wireshark opc ua capture

Open Sesame!

Open Sesame!

A first draft of a new article on the OpenSecureChannel request message was added.

Please feel free to add your comments, code snippets, ... !


Posted by Jan Costermans 2012-06-08 Labels: OpenSecureChannel request ua Articles

Some related projects

Some related projects

One of the main characteristics of FOSS is that the source code is available for users to examine and to modify.This gives students the opportunity to learn from studying high quality real-life programmes. In contrast, proprietary software is normally provided in binary form and the source code is seldom released for users to study.

~wikibooks on FOSS Education... read more

Posted by Jan Costermans 2012-05-28

ua Articles - Hello World!

Hello World!

The first article has been released over here.

This article shows a python code snippet to send an OPC ua TCP hello message to localhost.

Posted by Jan Costermans 2012-05-27 Labels: Hello Wireshark Construct ua Articles



OPyCua (IPA: /oʊ paɪ siː juː eɪ/) is an attempt to write an OPC UA communication stack using the Python programming language.

The Unified Architecture (UA) is THE next generation OPC standard that provides a cohesive, secure and reliable cross platform framework for access to real time and historical data and events.

~ OPC Foundation website

Some reading material

Read more about the OPC Unified Architecture over here:... read more

Posted by Jan Costermans 2012-05-17 Labels: prologue introduction roamap goals