

David Joiner

OptLib wiki

OptLib is a C library for nonlinear optimization using stochastic techniques, in particular Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms.

The library is divided into three sections, a simulated annealing code, a genetic algorithms code, and a monte carlo/powell's method code. The code is written in C, and parallelized using MPI. Driver routines that show typical use as well as code structure required to run the routines in parallel are provided.

4/10/12 - Fixed a bug in the simulated annealing algorithm where a Metropolis check was not being performed when synchronizing annealers. (revision 1.1.3)

4/5/12 - Just a heads up that I made a change to the order of the arguments in OPTLIB_Minimize, so that arguments most likely to be NULL are at the end. (For all 1 of you using this :-) )

4/5/12 - 1.1.1 has all of the MPI routines included--CMake will create libopt_mpi.a if USE_MPI is set.

4/4/12 - put 1.1 on the web, this has a unified interface and installs as a static library libopt.a, but the MPI stuff (while still there in the source code) hasn't been implemented in the new interface yet.

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