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File Date Author Commit
 incl 2013-12-14 quattrinili [r1] Code for finding exploration path
 src 2013-12-14 quattrinili [r1] Code for finding exploration path
 tools 2013-12-14 quattrinili [r1] Code for finding exploration path
 Doxyfile 2013-12-14 quattrinili [r1] Code for finding exploration path
 Makefile 2013-12-14 quattrinili [r1] Code for finding exploration path
 README 2013-12-28 quattrinili [r3] Updated README file.
 main.cpp 2013-12-14 quattrinili [r1] Code for finding exploration path

Read Me


                 C++ Exploration problem solver

                     Alberto Quattrini Li

                  Politecnico di Milano, Italy



-ROOT-+- : contains Doxyfile, README, Makefile (linux), and main.cpp
      |-incl : headers of classes
      |-src  : sources of classes
      '-tools: contains source code of another method



To compile the program, just use the make tool.

- OpenCV
- google-glog
- google-gflags

1.Have installed g++ and make
2.take Makefile related to linux in the root
3.launch make

To change parameters to the problem you can use the parameters specified by 

The format of the map should be a gray-scale image, where white (255) represents
free space, and gray (128) represents obstacles. In the output images, black (0)
represents unknown area.


The search class library provided is meant to be used for finding the best
path, assuming that we already know the map.
In this way, we can compare, given a map, how distant the result given by
online algorithms is from the optimal execution of the path.