
Opt4J as Maven dependency

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-16

    Hello everyone!
    First of all I want to congratulate the developers of this wonderful framework. It was so easy to use it for optimize some parameters of a machine learning system.
    As a Maven junkie, I think that could be very useful to have a release of the framework as a Maven dependency.
    Thanks again and keep it up!
    Damiano Spina.

  • Martin Lukasiewycz

    Dear Damiano,
    thank you for your feedback. I will consider the deployment into a maven repository for one of the coming releases. However, I can not promise that it will be available soon.

    Best Regards,

  • Martin Lukasiewycz

    Starting from version 3.0, Opt4J is now available via Maven Central:|ga|1|opt4j (


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