

Everything you need

Use opnTango to keep tabs on your projects, clients and assets. opnTango provides you with all the tools you need to ensure that your business runs smoothly.


opnTango provides you with a number of tools to keep in touch with your colleagues and clients. Clients can contact you via email and opnTango will automaticly route the email to the correct person on your behalf. You can enable your clients to use the built-in ticketing system to keep tack of their issues. Have changes and features signed off right inside opnTango; just upload the new files and create a request. Your client will be notified and asked to check and sign off on the changes.

Advanced Reporting

To help you keep track of your time and rescourses more easily opnTango Provides a set of reporting tools including time tracking. Easily track your work hours to a particular client or project.