
Opera OS / Blog: Recent posts

Merry christmas and a happy release!

Opera OS 1.1 is out and is stable. So, what has been done?
-iso image is no longer corrupted
-screen configuration button (in the middle at the top bar) opens driver management
-opera has no window border
-you can open a terminal from a hidden bar at the bottom
-a new, good-looking KDE-like login screen has been added
-youtube auto replay added as standard extension
-all unneeded applications have been remove
This is what you can expect in the next release:
-a custom build graphical installer (please let me know if anyone would like to help)
-gmrun on top bar
-more?... read more

Posted by Daan de Graaf 2011-12-26 Labels: release

Bad news folks :(

It seems that the current opera os iso image is corrupted, which meens that opera os might respond weird and might not even boot. I've decided to rebuild opera os from scratch. Please keep testing the live-cd and don't give up if it doesn't boot or crashes. You'll have to wait for the next fixed release. Luckily, my 2 week vacation just started and I'll have more time to work on it. Hopefully, opera os 1.1 will be out in the wild before my birthday, december 31. Best christmas wishes to all of you and a happy new year!

Posted by Daan de Graaf 2011-12-23

Opera OS is in the air!

Today, this new project page on sourceforge is launched and OperaOS v1.0 is released. These things need some testing/patches:
-the installer isn't tested yet, and there is no button for it
-Opera OS needs a custom login screen, currently it has the slitaz theme
- the slitaz logo shows up at isolinux, and I'll probably remove isolinux and add grub the next release

Please test Opera OS and give your comment!... read more

Posted by Daan de Graaf 2011-12-09 Labels: release news