
OpenYMSG / News: Recent posts

New Project Lead!

Hi folk! As of yesterday, OpenYMSG has a new project lead, but it's a face you already know! neilhart has agreed to become the project lead and so I am stepping "out of the way" and becoming just a customer. ;D Please join me in thanking him for his great work! I look forward to seeing OpenYMSG continue to grow!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2010-05-19

Site moved

I have moved the entire site off of back to sourceforge and now it is running under trac. Please submit issues/bugs/etc within trac from now on!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2010-01-17

OpenYMSG 0.3.0 Released!

Hi folk! I just released 0.3.0 of OpenYMSG based off what's currently in trunk. Trunk has a wealth of improvements over the 0.2 release so I wanted to get something out there for y'all to play with. Enjoy!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2010-01-17

OpenYMSG welcomes Damian Minkov (damencho)

Please join me in welcome Damian Minkov (damencho) to the project! He has been contributing to Java-JML (MSN messenger library) for quite a long time now, and joins us via his work with SIP Communicator!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2009-05-20

Welcome to OpenYMSG!

Whether you found your way here from the jymsg project, or this project's former location at igniterealtime,org, we welcome you to the new home of OpenYMSG! We are aiming to get a first real release out as soon as possible, but have a couple of last minute major hurdles to crawl over before we do. If you are interested in trying out the library in the meantime, check out the Code tab for the project, which may be hiding under a "More" option in the new SourceForge layout. We welcome and help we can get! If you are interested in working with the library, check it out, send us some patches (probably attach to an existing issue or create a new issue in the tracker and attach it there). If you send us some good contributions we'll likely approach you about direct SVN access. =) If you are looking for something to get started with, check out the Tracker, post a comment that you are working on it, and go to work! =)... read more

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2009-01-23