
Xylo / News: Recent posts

Bad news

I don't know what really happened, but i realized just a few minutes ago that the 0.9 release version actually is an OLD (something like august '08) TESTING version... It's without dynamic volume (it's in-code but not activated), it comes with key sound debugging (lot of if[KEY_*]....) and it seems that IR positioning is not normalized on screen resolution...

I really don't know what's the matter, i'm sure i used the version hosted on Altervista for the demo at MAMBo museum... It's hard to say that, but it seems we have lost all the following releases...... read more

Posted by Marco "zAvo" Mandrioli 2009-04-04

First Release!

We finally created the Xylo page and released the sourcecode!

Feel free to submit any suggestion about it.

Before tryin to build it, please take a look to README and be sure to have all needed software installed (allegro etc.).

Posted by Alberto Vespignani 2009-04-03