
Flatpickr time editor 24 hours display issue

Bart Devos
  • Bart Devos

    Bart Devos - 2024-08-21

    I'm working with OXPro 7.3.3. I'm building a planning module for our administration application so I need a 'Planningline' where the user can enter a date and time range for that particular task.
    So I have following module:

    @Getter @Setter
    public class Planningline {
        @Getter(AccessLevel.NONE) @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE)
        private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Planningline.class);
        @Id @Hidden
        private Integer id;
        private PlanningType planningtype;
        @Editor(value = "LocalDateTimeSeparatedCalendar")
        private LocalDateTime tsfrom;
        @Editor(value = "LocalDateTimeSeparatedCalendar")
        private LocalDateTime tsuntil;

    I made a custom editor 'LocalDateTimeSeparatedCalendar' that accepts LocalDateTime objects instead of 'Timestamp'. (I know this is coming up in version OX 7.4 but I couldn't wait...;-). Hence I duplicated 'dateTimeSeparatedCalendarEditor.jsp' to my local customEditor folder and named it 'LocalDateTimeSeparatedCalendarEditor.jsp', I duplicated '' to my projects formatter package as '' and 'timeCalendarEditor.jsp' to 'localTimeCalendarEditor.jsp'. I corrected all references to their relevant values and I altered the formatter so LocalDateTime objects are saved to the database instead of Timestamp objects. Everything works: The entered dates and times are stored in the database and re-displayed when the record is in detail mode except for the time part. There there is a flatpickr issue (I guess). The locale is 'nl' (for dutch) and in the file '/openxava-7.3.3-sources/META-INF/resources/xava/editors/flatpickr/nl.js' the option is set to 'time_24hr: true'. So I expect to handle the time values in 24H mode not in AM/PM mode. In the detail editor AM/PM is not displayed and I can enter a value like '15:20'. When I save I see that the listeditor displays it as '3:20PM'. For now, that's ok with me, but: If I re-open the record in detail mode it displays '3:20' and when I save without touching anything but the save button, the list mode shows '3:20AM'.
    So, somehow flatpickr handles the time values wrongly. I tried to force 'time_24hr' to true by changing 'localTimeCalendarEditor.jsp' from:

    <span class="<%=dateClass%> ox-date-calendar" data-date-format="<%=org.openxava.util.Dates.timeFormatForJSCalendar()%>">


    <span class="<%=dateClass%> ox-date-calendar" data-date-format="<%=org.openxava.util.Dates.timeFormatForJSCalendar()%>" data-time_24hr="true">

    with no luck. I googled 'data-time_24hr="true"' and this is a valid data attribute. Also I logged the outcome of 'data-date-format="<%=org.openxava.util.Dates.timeFormatForJSCalendar()%>"' which is 'H:i' which is correct as 'H' stands for 24-hour notation.
    I really don't know what I can do next to solve this issue. Thanks in advance for any input!
    Kind regards,

  • Bart Devos

    Bart Devos - 2024-08-21

    Ok, I found what is wrong. I reworked the formatters to handle LocalDateTime and in DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm") I used 'hh' instead of 'HH'. Lowercase 'h' means 12 hour system, uppercase is 24 hour system. So everything works like expected now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Kind regards,


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