
OpenWFE 1.1.2 released

OpenWFE 1.1.2 fixes a few 'swapping' bugs. These bugs occured when expressions got back from swap (either file or db) but were incomplete, which broke their process instance. The 'set' expression has a new attribute : 'type', you can now determine from the process definition which type a workitem field you set should have.

OpenWFE 1.1.2 - released 2004/05/31

- [engine] bug #963238 : When expression control flow inconsistency. Fixed.
- [engine] bug #963107 : SubProcessRefExpression lost its link to its
containing process definition when swapped to disk (or db). Fixed.
- [engine] task #99585 : added 'type' attribute to 'set' expression.
- [webclient] bug #961394 : launching a jsp defined launchitem did not work.
- [webclient] also displaying flows and launchitems available as JSP pages
- [engine] bug #961170 : Concurrence did not got swapped with
its SyncExpression. Fixed.

Posted by John Mettraux 2004-05-31

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