
Open WebServo / News: Recent posts

Android application on subversion

I wrote my first Android application to remote control my motorized webcam, which is based on open webservo.
The GUI is not perfect, but the application is working and doing is job !
You can find the source code on subversion.

Posted by Pino Otto 2007-11-25

Firmware 2.1 is released.

The C source code for the firmware has been released. This firmware is related to a microcontroller Atmel AVR AT90S8515.

Posted by Pino Otto 2007-05-01

Open WebServo 2.1 is released.

What's new:
- added a servlet, in order to use the webservo in other ways, such as Ajax, widgets, etc.
- refactorized the initialization of the serial port

Posted by Pino Otto 2007-04-09

Open WebServo Live in Action !!!

A real system (hardware and software) based on the Open WebServo project has been deployed to a GNU/Linux server (Slackware). The system is used to control a remote webcam through internet by a web browser.
You can see the system in action here:

Posted by Pino Otto 2007-02-12

Schematics-2.0 is released !

October 20, 2006

Added the control for a second servo motor. This version can control two axis; for example: horizontal (X) and vertical (Y). A typical application can be to control the pan and tilt of a webcam.

Posted by Pino Otto 2006-10-20