Openwarfare Editor Wiki
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OpenWarfare Editor allow you to easy configure your openwarfare mod of COD4 and easy add custom map rotation
- Installed framework 4.0
- Installed Openwarfare Mod for COD4 under "rootOfCOD4\Mods\openwarfare\"
- To use custom map rotation tab, you must have custom maps under the path "rootOfCOD4\Usermaps\"
Copy the openwarfare.exe in the root of the game
How does it work:
-It automatically load the ow.cfg under /rootOfCOD4/Mods/Openwarfare/
-It automatically load the *.cfg under /rootOfCOD4/Mods/Openwarfare/configs and create a tabs for each one and sort them by the folder
-It automatically load custom maps under /rootOfCOD4/Usermaps/ and list them in the "Maps" tab
Last edit: Raziel 2014-11-23