
openWallet / News: Recent posts

openWallet 0.1 Released

True single sign-on for the internet is now a possibility with the first release of openWallet.

The code is in a very alpha stage, but key functionality is implemented and working, completeing the intial PoC phase.

Users test the system at where they can login using the openWallet client, their OpenPGP key and passphrase.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-03-15

openWallet chooses Jetty

The openWallet project has chose to use Jetty ( to implement the openWallet client.

Jetty is a light weight 100% java HTTP server, which is easily embeddable in application, making it an ideal candidate for this project.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-18

Proof of Concept

Well, after a couple of years of this project just sitting idle, I've finally created a proof of concept on the project homepage.

In the PoC, a timestamp is sent to the client, which signs it and sends it back to the website for verification. Currently the website doesn't validate the signature, but that's the easy bit. The hard bit was finding a nice simple way for the website to communicate with the client on the users machine.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-18