
openVPN Smart Configurator / News: Recent posts

Public Key Infrastructure manager RC1

This version works fine. There are some new added features:
- Added an internal database that acts as certificates store.
- Detailed view of generated certificates.
- Customizable place where to put PKI (i.e. a server not connected to internet)
- A lot of issues resolved (tested on XP/Vista x86 and Vista x64

Posted by Giuseppe Fontana 2008-03-19

Public key infrastructure management module beta 2

This module allows a complete management of multiple PKI. Each master CA certificate is a root node of a tree structure (see screenshots). For each CA node defining a PKI are available thes features:
- Adding server certificates
- Adding client certificates
- Revoking certificates
- Removing entire PKI
- Sending certificates over a secure channel (on beta 3)

Posted by Giuseppe Fontana 2008-01-10