
Error in CertificateUpdateReq while encoding using serialize1EXI2Stream !!

  • amy

    amy - 2023-03-06

    Hi ,

    I am doing the encoding and decoding few request and response using
    here I have to encode CertificateUpdateReq and I am using "serialize1EXI2Stream()" API,
    but I am getting error.
    here I have attached the method which I have doing for encode.

  • Daniel Peintner

    Daniel Peintner - 2023-03-06


    I guess you need to share more details. * Source Code as images, grrr * What is the error code.. the number tells you the reason, see * Which file are you using? * ....

    -- Daniel

  • amy

    amy - 2023-03-06

    I got error code as "#define EXI_ERROR_UNKOWN_EVENT -109" from "encode_iso1ExiDocument()" api
    file name : OpenV2G_0.9.5/src/iso1/iso1EXIDatatypesEncoder.c

  • Daniel Peintner

    Daniel Peintner - 2023-03-06

    This means that the encode was asked to encode something that is not valid.
    OpenV2G allows for encoding only valid XML portions. In most of the cases the C structs take care that the content is valid but there are still situation where this is not possible.
    e.g., the codec expects element a, b or c.
    IF none is given.. the codec will fail with -109. There are many more such cases.
    I suggest you to use the debugger and see what causes the issue.

  • amy

    amy - 2023-03-06

    error comming from writeBits() api as error code EXI_ERROR_OUTPUT_STREAM_EOF -11
    file name : OpenV2G_0.9.5/src/codec/BitOutputStream.c

  • amy

    amy - 2023-03-06

    error comming from writeBits() api as error code EXI_ERROR_OUTPUT_STREAM_EOF -11
    file name : OpenV2G_0.9.5/src/codec/BitOutputStream.c

  • Daniel Peintner

    Daniel Peintner - 2023-03-06


    I ask you to investigate a bit yourself.

    I assume you are writing to a byte array that is not large enough. I guess somehow here or similar code.

    This is the last time I answer questions were you just share some error codes.
    Please try to understand that is just guessing.

    -- Daniel


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