
Open Upload / News: Recent posts


As I find GIT much easy to use I've migrated the SVN repository to GIT.
I'll try to update the code so it works with PHP7.X

Posted by Alessandro Briosi 2018-04-03 Labels: development git

bug fix release v0.4.1

A new openupload release has been made available.
It's a bugfix release, but introduces experimental mssql support, and a new translation.

This is the release that all production servers should run.
Please report bug.


Changelog from release 0.4 to 0.4.1

  • Database
  • MSSQL support. by Leonardo F. Cardoso (leocardoso)

  • Translations

  • Added Brazilian Portuguese. by Leonardo F. Cardoso (leocardoso)... read more
Posted by Alessandro Briosi 2009-08-28