
OpenTTPM / News: Recent posts

OpenTTPM: Project Management

Dear Reader,

finally I got a better overview of the platform and I made use of the project management module.

So in short words: The project was split up into several subprojects and the first tasks have been created and have also been completed.

So now the project will really start within the next week and the following (mainly due to the fact that the term will end now and three weeks of holidays (at least from the university of applied science) are comming up).... read more

Posted by Markus Schoos 2009-01-17

Nexts steps

Currently the homepage is at a status where it nearly contains the necessary information.

Within the next steps the following items will be done:
- Definition of the HP Item Project Management
- Definition of the HP Item Time Tracking
- Creating of the namespace overview / system design
- Filling out the team part completly
- Defining the current available phases more detailled
- Description of the existing screen shots
- Adapting the existing source code to the system design (if necessary)
- Using SVN for the project to track changes a.s.o.
- Migrating the OpenTTPM home page to my own web space (if possible - to be verified first)
- Publishing news on the OpenTTPM home page so that everything can be seen there.... read more

Posted by Markus Schoos 2009-01-16

OpenTTPM Current Status

Dear Visitor,

currently I'm creating my own web space where the webpage of OpenTTPM will be hosted in the future. A redirection from source forge to the new homepage will of course be done.

Regarding the development of Phase 1:
I'm currently developing hard and also hardly on phase 1 to get it finally finished and to check in as well as publish it.

Why hard? As I would like to finish phase 1 within the next weeks
Why hardly? The problem is that I don't only work full time and work on the OpenTTPM - no I also study besides working and currently the term is ending which means some works have to be done and some tests have to be written and this and
also due to the fact that I want to spend some time with my girlfriend leaves me unfortunatly not the time that I would like to spend on the project.... read more

Posted by Markus Schoos 2009-01-14 - Getting in touch

Currently I'm trying to get an overview about all the features that provides.

As this is my first project this might take some time - especially as this is also my first deeper contact with the site.

So please stay tuned - I will continue with the planning process soon and will upload all the documentation about the first features that will be released with an outlook to the future ones.... read more

Posted by Markus Schoos 2008-11-12