
Configure Patches in OpenTTD

  • MadGabZ

    MadGabZ - 2008-02-02

    Hi Jaime,
    I know most ppl these days use openttd.cfg to adjust all the settings of OpenTTD, but for those who use ingame-configuration, the 'Configure Patches'-menu needs resizing! It just doesnt show the top-most part of the menu at all, so you can't select other tabs, and other options at all!

    Just my 2 (euro-)cents :D

    Thank You again for a otherwise BRILLIANT port, J!

    • Jaime Penalba

      Jaime Penalba - 2008-02-02

      Hi Gabriel,

      Well, many windows are currently resized on the PSP version, anyway there are some windows such as the patches configuration window which are painfully to resize.

      In this cases, as is specified on the readme, you can use the square button to drag and drop windows around the screen, so you can just move the configuration patches window outside the screen to be able to view the hole win, this is not smart... but allows the game to be fully functional without resizing everything.

      To move a window just press and hold square button over the desired window, then use analog stick or digital pad to move it.


      • MadGabZ

        MadGabZ - 2008-02-03

        AH Thank You, Jaime!
        I forgot about that feature, thanks for reminding me!
        On any other platform it wouldnt be a prob, but on PSP its hard to edit config files, but nevermind - problem solved! - even if it is in a crude way! :D



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