
OSWiki 0.2.0 released

OSWiki is a wiki based on the open source model of article development. Instead of allowing any one to edit and release any article, users must first prove themselves by making useful contributions. If the user proves trustworthy, she will gain more and more privileges.



You can now gain Karma through other methods besides editing articles. For example, if a release candidate is accepted, the Maintainer who released it gains karma. Alternatively, if the release candidate is rejected, then the Maintainer loses karma.

If a user gains or loses karma then the user's total karma is compared against the status database before updating the user's status.

Permissions are now checked for every operation.

You may now rate articles.

New members:

Yoshi (username: yoshiryu) has joined the project as a developer.

We are still looking for more developers interested in learning Ruby on Rails.

Posted by Balls 2006-02-26

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