

ahmad fairuz ali

Welcome to Opensource-RA WiKi page.

Let's go straight to the point. This tools is developed using Python language. Why Python? Because of many reason. It's easy to learn, modular and most importantly Python are increasing supporting many features which are mainly supported by Java. Python can handle more than 1 million CDR and it was very reliable in how the language handle the data.

In order to run this program,you have to do the following.

  1. Recommended to use UBUNTU as your operating system. I've tested under Linux as well and it runs well. Any Unix based OS is supported. I've tried running under Windows XP, but the performance are too slow. I used Cygwin to run the python. Since I can't wait to get the results, so I drop the option to run in Windows.

  2. Install MySQL. MySQL is the best. It's easy.

  3. Install few python component like MySQLdb.

  4. I used 'vi' most of the time to write the codes. But, recently I changed to Aptana 3.0, which provide auto syntax checker. It's good.

Once you have installed the above, then read the readme.txt inside the files.

I will update you with more informations.

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