
Tree [8382a0] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2012-03-16 larsen255 larsen255 [2c423b] automatic fixes by Eclipse
 lib 2012-01-31 larsen255 larsen255 [66fde4] replaced jintellitype 1.3.7 with new version 1.3.8
 lib-src 2012-10-26 larsen255 larsen255 [263f67] added jargs source
 resources 2011-12-10 larsen255 larsen255 [bdcea1] added icon to exe file
 src 2012-10-26 larsen255 larsen255 [6fb3bd] added configuration option to set an output volume
 .checkstyle 2010-05-02 larsen255 larsen255 [e18d1f] added Checkstyle and adapted source code
 .classpath 2012-10-26 larsen255 larsen255 [263f67] added jargs source
 .fbprefs 2010-04-20 larsen255 larsen255 [bcd828] initial checkin
 .gitignore 2012-10-20 larsen255 larsen255 [272616] created .gitignore
 .project 2011-11-21 larsen255 larsen255 [8e07b1] removed findbugs builder
 CHANGELOG.txt 2012-10-27 larsen255 larsen255 [2f32f8] new release
 LICENSE.txt 2010-04-20 larsen255 larsen255 [bcd828] initial checkin
 README.html 2012-10-26 larsen255 larsen255 [6fb3bd] added configuration option to set an output volume
 TODO.txt 2012-11-13 larsen255 larsen255 [8382a0] added task to reload the config file if it has ... 2012-10-27 larsen255 larsen255 [2f32f8] new release
 build.xml 2012-10-27 larsen255 larsen255 [8fe54a] removed SVN stuff
 checkstyle.xml 2010-05-02 larsen255 larsen255 [e18d1f] added Checkstyle and adapted source code
 common.nsh 2011-12-22 larsen255 larsen255 [45f309] multiple improvements to the installer (MUI2, M...
 developer_guide.txt 2012-10-21 larsen255 larsen255 [7c2556] file containing instructions on what to install...
 installer.nsi 2012-10-26 larsen255 larsen255 [50f690] bugfix: default install dir was empty on first ...
 languages.nsh 2012-04-07 larsen255 larsen255 [76bba4] Added Chinese translation
 launch4j.xml 2011-12-30 larsen255 larsen255 [e64353] explicitly specified downloadUrl as the default...

Read Me

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<a href=""></a>
<br />
<br />
Copyright 2010-2012 Lars Monsees<br />
OpenSoundboard is free software distributed under the GNU GPL.<br />
Read LICENSE.txt for more infomation about the license.<br />

<br />
<br />

<h3 id="contents">Contents</h3>
	<li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
	<li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
    <li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a></li>
    <li><a href="#clo">Command line options</a></li>
	<li><a href="#issues">Known Issues</a></li>
	<li><a href="#soundfiles">Sound files</a></li>
	<li><a href="#credits">Credits</a></li>
	<li><a href="#feedback">Feedback</a></li>

<h4 id="overview">Overview</h4>
<p>OpenSoundboard plays sound files when the user presses hotkeys. Files and hotkeys can be freely assigned. This project was inspired by "GIGA F-Tasten" that only supported 34 keys without modifiers and was therefore interfering with normal programs´ shortcuts.</p>

<h4 id="installation">Installation</h4>
<p>You will need the <a href="">Java 7 Runtime Environment (JRE)</a> and the <a href="">JavaFX Runtime</a>. The latter should be bundled with the first, but this wasn´t the case for the Java 7u2 release. So, if OpenSoundboard is complaining about not being able to load JavaFX simply download and install it.</p>

<h4 id="configuration">Configuration</h4>
<h5>Mapping file</h5>
<p>When you first start OpenSoundboard, it creates a file named <code>""</code> in it´s application data folder:</p>
	<li><code>C:\Documents and Settings\&lt;username&gt;\Application Data\OpenSoundboard</code> (Win XP)</li>
	<li><code>C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\AppData\Roaming\OpenSoundboard</code> (Windows Vista, etc.)</li>

<p>OpenSoundboard will automatically reload the file if it has changed. You can also reload it by using the appropriate entry from the tray icon´s context menu.</p>

<p>You have to open the mapping file in a text editor and configure mappings from a shortcut to a filename. You can do this from the tray icon´s context menu. When specifying a hotkey use <code>"+"</code> as a separator, e.g. <code>"Ctrl+Alt+S"</code>. The file contains some example mappings. For more detailed information on the available hotkeys please have a look at the code in function <code>getKey2KeycodeMapping()</code> from <a href="">JIntellitype</a>. If you specify a hotkey multiple times, only the last one will be used. As the Java VM uses the system´s encoding, make sure to save the file with that encoding. It won´t work when the file has UTF-8 encoding, but your OS doesn´t.</p>

<h5>Special functions</h5>
<p>You can also specify special functions by using the following (including the asterisk) as a mapping:</p>
	<li><code>*StopAll</code>: stops all sounds currently being played</li>
	<li><code>*OpenMapping</code>: opens the mapping file</li>
	<li><code>*ReloadMapping</code>: reloads the mapping file</li>
	<li><code>*ExitProgram</code>: closes the program</li>
	<li><code>*EnableDisableHotkeys</code>: enables or disables the hotkeys</li>

<h5>Configuration file</h5>
<p>The configuration file <code>""</code> offers the possibility to override the default values. It is created at startup in the application data folder if it doesn´t exist and filled with some example data. Most of the options that can be set via <a href="#clo">command line options</a> can also be set via the config file. See the config file itself for details.</p>

<h4 id="clo">Command line options</h4>
<p>You can use command line options to override the values from the config file or the default values.</p>
    <li><code>-h, --hideicon</code>: Hide the system tray icon</li>
    <li><code>-s, --showicon</code>: Show the system tray icon</li>
    <li><code>-m &lt;filename&gt;, --mapping=&lt;filename&gt;</code>: The mapping file to use</li>
    <li><code>-c &lt;filename&gt;, --config=&lt;filename&gt;</code>: The config file to use</li>
    <li><code>-i &lt;filename&gt;, --icon=&lt;filename&gt;</code>: The icon file to use (<code>GIF</code>, <code>JPEG</code> or <code>PNG</code>)</li>
    <li><code>-l &lt;language&gt;, --language=&lt;language&gt;</code>: The language to use (ISO 639)</li>
    <li><code>-v &lt;volume level&gt;, --volume=&lt;volume level&gt;</code>: The volume to use specified from 0.0 (muted) to 1.0 (full volume)</li>

<h4 id="issues">Known Issues</h4>
<p>With a 64-bit JVM if the mapping file´s extension is not already associated to a program, it´s not possible to open the mapping file from the context menu. This is due to a 64-bit version of JDIC not being available.</p>
<p>Some hotkey combinations don´t work as they are reserved by Windows (see <a href="">Microsoft Knowledgebase</a>). Some common hotkeys known not to work are:</p>
	<li><code>Win+D</code> (Desktop), <code>Win+E</code> (Explorer), <code>Win+F</code> (Find), <code>Win+L</code> (Lock), <code>Win+R</code> (Run), <code>Win+U</code> (Utility-Manager)</li>

<h4 id="soundfiles">Sound files</h4>
<p>OpenSoundboard supports the audio formats that are supported by <a href="">JavaFX</a>, i.d. <code>MP3</code> and <code>WAV</code>.

<p>You can find some sound files at:</p>
	<li><a href=""></a></li>
	<li><a href=""></a></li>

<p>You could also play videos from e.g. <a href="">YouTube</a> and use <a href="">Audacity</a> to record and edit sounds.</p>

<h4 id="credits">Credits</h4>
	<li>Emil Lefkof for developing <a href="">JIntellitype</a></li>
	<li>The author of the <a href="">tray icon</a></li>
	<li>The <a href="">jargs project</a></li>

    <li>Arabic - Mohammad Abdallah</li>
    <li>Chinese - Ce Tian</li>
    <li>Danish - Peter Laursen</li>
    <li>Dutch - Arjan Beumer</li>
    <li>Italian - Gabriele &quot;Damage92&quot;</li>
    <li>Hebrew - Yusif Goabra</li>
    <li>Russian - Eugenie Ewert</li>
    <li>Turkish - Timurhan Sungur</li>

<h4 id="feedback">Feedback</h4>
<p>Your feedback on OpenSoundboard is very welcome. In case you want to submit a bug report or request a new feature please <a href="">create a ticket</a>.
There is also a <a href="">forum</a>.
