
Windows 'OpenSongViewer' app is available...

carl beech
  • carl beech

    carl beech - 2020-09-13


    For info, I've been working on and released a windows app called 'OpenSongViewer' - essentially, my Android tablet has been in the process of dying, and so I've written a replacement to run on my MS Surface pro.

    In essence:
    Written in Python3 / QT5 - source and stand-alone executable over at
    Reads OpenSong (xml) files
    Can transpose
    Can save/load song lists (with transpositions)
    * Can create / edit songs, using the normal OpenSong notation.

    PLEASE NOTE: this is the first release of the program, so I'm expecting it to be buggy, but I've been able to use it live on stage and it didn't crash so its not too bad. Binary (standalone) release is in the 'releases' area. I'll try to deal with any issues that are raised, however, my emphasis is on something that is an electronic songbook, not necessarily a presentation system (hope that makes sense).

    Let me know if there's any issues with me doing this - however, I've been using opensong for a fair bit and I've liked how simple it all is (at least from the 'electronic songbook' point of view.

    All the best


  • carl beech

    carl beech - 2020-09-13

    Sorry - missed an item - as this is Python/Qt5, the source code should be able to run on linux as well - however, I might need to do some testing under linux as the directory separator is different - I'll try to get to try this in the next couple of days.



    • Ed Palmer

      Ed Palmer - 2020-09-13

      Looks interesting. I appreciate you posting this here and also making the source code available. Since you mentioned the directory separator for the different operating systems, I'll suggest you look at os.path or the pathlib module as alternatives to hardcoding the separator. That will save you a lot of headaches later on if you choose to maintain this as a cross-platform application and expand its functionality. I'm speaking from a bit of experience here. Even though we abstracted OpenSong's handling of the storage of Songs and Sets, there are filesystem references scattered throughout the program. We were fine until Apple changed from ":" to the Posix "/" separator and changed the way that the root of the filesystem is referenced. That's had ripple effects as I've tried to deal with the difference when reading older files that include ":" references.

  • carl beech

    carl beech - 2020-09-13

    Yep - thanks for that - if you have a look at my other git-hosted app (fast-duplicate-finder), this is a python/Qt5 linux and windows app, so I've had some exposure to this.. its just that I've purely concentrated on the windows version at this point. That said, the app and data structure is fairly simple so it shouldn't be too much of a problem :-)
    Must admit though that I've never dealt with anything apple - I've got linux and windows dev environments, but not apple.



  • carl beech

    carl beech - 2020-09-19


    For info, just released v0.2 of the viewer - while I've not released binaries for linux at this point, initial testing in linux seems to work ok. Other than that, there's a couple of under-the-hood improvements.

    All the best


  • carl beech

    carl beech - 2020-09-25

    Version 0.3 now released - with windows and linux binaries - basically improved preferences for font sizes and when transposing which sharp/flat you prefer (e.g. select to display C# or Db etc)

    All the best



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